Physical Activity
Hello From Room 7!
Some of our activities in school recently include Dodgeball and Hopping Relays in PE; Learning about, drawing and constructing The Titanic; Using money and giving change during Maths groups; Starting to write Narrative Stories in English class; Completing ipad...
SK GAA Coaching 🏐
Thank you to Salthill Knocknacarra GAA for the recent coaching sessions🏐
Happy Halloween
We had a busy October and had a very exciting party to celebrate Halloween. We have been learning about Autumn and all the amazing things that happen in nature during this time. We have been going on a Friday nature walk to spot the changes happening all around...
Senior Infants Gaelic Football
Thanks to SKGAA for taking the time to come and show us their footballing skills. We are really enjoying it and learning loads!
Cross Country 3rd October
Well done to Conor, Luke, Liam and Mia Rose who represented our school today at Cross Country. We are so proud. They were amazing.
PE fun with Room 7!
Back to School at KNS!
It has been a busy week so far in 2nd Class. We’ve really enjoyed seeing all our friends again and hearing about our summer holidays. Room 7 and room 8 have been busy with Maths Groups, Running Track, Movement Breaks and many other activities. Have a look at our...