Marine Week 2024
Last week was Marine Week and Green Schools organised activities under the theme of Marine Environment as part of our flag application. We had a very enjoyable week with lots of marine themed activities throughout the school.
We had a:
- Marine Dress Up Day
- Marine Themed Buddy Art/ Reading with another class
- SeaKeeper’s Project Display
- Rusheen Bay Beach Clean (Happening this week!)
January & February
We have had a great time back in Senior Infants after Christmas. St. Enda’s Secondary School came to read with us, we celebrated Grandparents’ day, Pancake Tuesday and have had lots of fun learning our maths through games and Beebot coding, buddy art and much more!
Friendship week in Senior infants KNS
In room 3 we celebrated friendship week by making friendship bracelets with our reading Buddy’s from 4th class. We also created an art puzzle to show we all fit together in room 3.
December in Senior infants KNS
Room 3 exploring the theme of Santas workshop in role play during Aistear.
Room 3 writing their letters to Santa in Aistear.
Room 3 building Santa a sleigh from our Junk Art station in Aistear.
Room 3 and Room 4 practising for our Christmas Concert.
Buddy art with room 14
Today 5th class helped us to do some Christmas Art. We discussed mixing and blending colours and create silhouettes.