Expression of Interest Form

Please complete this form if you are interested in a place for your child in our school for September 2025 onwards. 

    Expression of Interest Form

    Child's First Name:

    Child's Last Name:

    2. Date of Birth:


    Year starting school

    Parent/Guardian 1 (First Name & Surname)

    Parent/Guardian 2 (First Name & Surname)

    5. Home Phone:     

    6. Mobile Number:

    7. Email Address:   

    We would like to send you updates about our work from time to time. Please let us know if you would like to receive this information.


    I understand that completing this form does not guarantee my child a place in the school. I understand that I will be contacted when the enrolment process is open and will need to complete a formal application then. Places will be offered in accordance with the procedure and criteria outlined in our Enrolment & Admissions Policy:

    Check here to indicate agreement.