Connacht Minor Schools Swimming Gala on Oct 21st and 22nd
Well done to all our KNS swimmers at Connacht Minor Schools Gala 2023.It was a tough competition with 349 athletes entered from across the province. It was also a very high standard, being run at L3 Gala level, as a qualifier for National Finals.All our swimmers can be very proud of themselves for representing their school so well.
We are so proud of them all. Some won medals, some qualified for the Nationals, some achieved personal best times, and more competed in their first ever gala, had good fun taking part, and were super supporters for their school pals.
Special thanks to school for supporting the event, all the organisers, parents, and to past-pupil (and Olympian) Niamh Connery for help with the pupils over the two days.
This was a parent-let event – so we are very grateful to all of the parent volunteers for organising our school participants. Well done to the boys and girls.